Comfortable from PDF to
instruction manual with iMag™

Create online user manual in just 3 steps:

Create an account and upload your user manual as a PDF file using the drag & drop function or via selcetion at iMag™.

Simply add illustrative images, hot-to-graphics, voice descriptions or videos of application examples in the editor.

Your user manuals are ready for publication. The clever HTML conversion of your PDF file makes it even more accessible for search engines.

You can easily insert multimedia elements into your user manual at iMag™. For example illustrative material such as screensteps, stepshot guides or how-to videos. Thanks to our online user manual creator, your manual will stand out from ordinary user's guides. This makes it particularly attractive for users and provides additional presence on the Internet. This benefits not only your product, but also your digital reach.

Communicate your product information professionally with iMag™. Make your information material available to customers and search engines in a structured way. When using the user manual software from iMag™ you not only increase your search engine ranking. You also gain brand awareness by positiv customer reviews.

Rely on future-oriented solutions. Support your customers to learn how to handle your product by integrating vivid content and videos. Special features such as a digital page-turning function or text links to drivers and additional software provide additional added value. Tests have proven that the target group appreciates these features. User interaction increases by up to 93%, the shopping cart value even by up to 37%.

One step ahead of the competition thanks to better marketing. In addition to publishing your owner's handbook, the iMag™ user manual creator offers more possibilities. Share news and publications via social networks such as Facebook. Let your target group know immediately via all channels as soon as a new product or instruction manual is available.

Who uses your user manuals? How many users do you reach with it? Which contents invite to staying on your website? You can view all this documentation and more directly via the tracking tool of iMag™. This provides you with essential input on user behaviour and allows you to make user-oriented changes to your instruction manual.

With iMag™ you increase the online presence of your content effectively and purposefully. Through HTML conversion, search engines can better list your operating instructions and the social sharing option provides additional reach. So your target group can easily find you on Google, Facebook & Co.

2.5 million companies increase their circulation & reach with iMag™:


Perfect to read on any device

More than 50% of all users worldwide are mobile, so a responsive design is becoming increasingly important. The user manuals created with iMag™ adapt to all end devices and screen sizes.

Digitise your content now

We guarantee pure reading pleasure. Digitise your content together with iMag™.

Innovative, interactive and individual

iMag™ - The manual software for the added value for your users

Use the intelligent software from iMag™ to create the user manual of tomorrow.

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